Java Basics

Full stack Java

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5 WeeK

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+91 91497 90991

Batch Timing

Regular: 2 Batches
Week 1-2: Introduction to Java Programming
- Basics of Java: Variables, Data Types, Operators
- Control Flow: Conditional Statements, Loops
- Methods and Functions
- Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts: Classes and Objects, Inheritance, Polymorphism
- Exception Handling
- Introduction to IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse IDE
Week 3-4: Core Java Concepts
- Arrays and Collections
- File Handling in Java
- Introduction to Generics
- Java Concurrency Basics: Threads and Synchronization
- Unit Testing with JUnit
Week 5-6: Web Development Basics with Java Servlets and JSP
- Introduction to Servlets
- Servlet Lifecycle and API
- Handling Form Data with Servlets
- JavaServer Pages (JSP): Syntax, Expression Language (EL), JSP Actions
- JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL)
Week 7-8: Database Management with SQL and JDBC
- Introduction to Relational Databases
- SQL Basics: CRUD Operations, Joins, Aggregation Functions
- JDBC Fundamentals: Connecting to Database, Executing Queries, Handling Transactions
Week 9-10: Spring Framework Basics
- Introduction to Spring Framework
- Spring Core Concepts: Dependency Injection, Inversion of Control (IoC)
- Spring Boot Basics: Auto-configuration, Spring Initializr
- Building RESTful APIs with Spring MVC
Week 11-12: Advanced Spring Concepts
- Spring Data JPA: Working with Databases using Spring Data
- Spring Security: Authentication and Authorization
- Spring AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming)
Week 13-14: Frontend Development
- HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Fundamentals
- Frontend Frameworks: Introduction to Angular or React
- RESTful API Consumption from Frontend
Week 15-16: Deployment and DevOps Practices
- Introduction to Docker: Containerization Basics
- Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) with Jenkins
- Deploying Java Applications to Cloud Platforms like AWS or Heroku

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